I take a redefined approach when working with buyers and sellers; and that is, I take it personal. I put myself in the customer’s shoes and strive to provide exceptional customer service each and every single time. I have been extremely blessed to have built my business entirely by referral and repeat customers. What an honor it is when people refer me to their family and friends! Because of the way I run my business, and the token of trust deposited in me, behind every referral I deliver the utmost professionalism, integrity, timeliness and accountability.
I am passionate about people; I like to inspire them and help them reach their goals and potential. That is why I am so ecstatic to be the managing broker/owner at The Real Estate Firm. I am a certified Buffinni facilitator, and through this training I have the opportunity to mentor real estate professionals and teach them the strategies, models and systems that will help them build a business and life of significance.
If there’s anything else you’d like to know about me, just ask!
License Number: 20406
OFFICE: 575-556-9829
MOBILE: 575-373-7663
EMAIL: miriam@therealestatefirm.com

Live Up To Your Potential
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Challenge Yourself
Hands On Training
Personalized Mentorship
Buffini Certified